Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cape Fog. Dead Sharks.

I veered off course for awhile. I blame the fact that I got lost into a huge pile of needles and yarn and only just recently started to regain space into my life.

And since the weather has been so great (doesn't everyone love perpetual gray skies?) I did what every other sane person would do, headed to Cape Cod and survey the beaches. The good news is that since the weather really hasn't been summery, there was little traffic heading up to Boston and even heading to Cape Cod. The bad news being that it was cold and we had gray skies some of the time, even rain.

The trip was uneventful, as the most interesting thing that really happened all weekend was that I found a seagull pecking at a dead baby shark that washed up on shore. Yes that's a piece of his jaw, totally picked clean.
No, I did not pick it up to bring home with me. Because no matter what, I'm still a girl and when I see things like that, my first instinct is to make sure none of that is remotely near me. What I did think about was that 10 minutes before I spotted this dead shark, my feet were in the water and so I now had molecules of the decomposing body on my skin.

I am trying to understand why everyone loves nature, but it seems that every time I venture out into the world, I get a sign to run the other way.

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