Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Drowning in Yarn

I'm still drowning in yarn. This is ridiculous, mostly because I just started knitting last year and only really actively acquired a stash since the summer of 2008.

And it's not like I've been neglecting my knitting. I've BEEN knitting, it goes with me everywhere. Movies, cocktails, restaurants, coffee, errands, work, car rides, subways. I mean if my hands are free and there's nothing else to do, I knit. It's also a great way to avoid current events. Like the lady who had octuplets bringing her total to 14? Yes, there's socio-economic responsibility for you. And then they offered her a porn deal? Who can you really hate more? Her? Or the people who are willing to pay to know all this info about her?

I didn't know about her until a few days after everyone else. I'm glad I didn't. It's zen meditation for the soul. At least when your world is reduced to knits, purls, cast on and bind off, you don't have to worry about the crazies or the lies, manipulations, stories that people weave to save themselves from public scrutiny and humiliation. I'm nearly 30 days into a yarn diet and it's working out. It's been a difficult road, but when you're faced with these skeins and the limitless possibilities of what you can do with them, it's hard to say no.

Top Row: Squoosh Silk Lace in Sapphire,
Bottom Row: Sundara Silk Lace in Granite Falls.

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