Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter . . . Deer?

Having absolutely no interesting plans for Easter, I agreed to go spend the weekend at the Poconos, a brief mingling with nature outside of Central Park. It wasn't a bad idea, I mean I suppose it isn't a great thing when someone asks, don't you want to go out for some fresh air and see nature, and your respond with, sure, that's when I visit Central Park. There are ducks, bees, birds, bugs, grass and trees.

So I ventured outside the comforting boundaries of NYC into the woodsy area of the Poconos. Most of the weekend was spent in drizzling, drabby rain, leaving us with little to do but read, watch tv and knit. The latter I did a lot of. But I've learned one important difference between "city" folk and quite possibly the "rest of universe."

Deer = pests with 4 legs, a body big enough to stop a car and damage it severely and carries ticks. Most people do anything they can to discourage deer from entering their property as they are carriers of the lyme disease and will eat your garden in minutes. For city people, they're friends. They buy things like deer food and salt licks to entice the deer onto their property so they can admire it.

Yes....I was THAT close!